成绩 and 级分

年级 points on your transcript are recorded from the following scale:

年级 级分
A 优秀的 4.00
A- 优秀的 3.67
B+ 高于平均水平 3.33
B 高于平均水平 3.00
B- 高于平均水平 2.67
C+ 平均 2.33
C 平均 2.00
C- 平均 1.67
D+ 低于平均水平 1.33
D 低于平均水平 1.00
D- 低于平均水平 0.67
F 失败 0.00
年级 级分
FW Failure to Withdraw 0.00
I 不完整: 学生 must make arrangements with their instructor and academic dean to complete the unfinished course. 学生 must complete the work within 45 days after the course end date. After this period of time, the grade will be changed to an "F". 0.00
N 审计 0.00
O 年级偿还: Awarded when a grade of "F" or "FW" is requited or forgiven. 0.00
P Credit Earned/Pass: Used exclusively in courses designated by the vice president of Academic Affairs. 0.00
Q No Credit/No Pass: Used exclusively in courses designated by the vice president of Academic Affairs. 0.00
W 收回了 0.00
课程重复 0.00

These letter grades, descriptions, and points are used in all programs at Hawkeye 社区 College. An instructor or program may modify the grading system. Instructors are expected to inform you of their grading scale and procedures at the beginning of each course. The grading scale used by an instructor must be used for all students in a course and for all sections of the same course taught by that instructor in a multi-section course.

教师 determine the weight and value of final grades in their courses and are not obligated to use plus and minus grades. Hawkeye will record letter grades as reported by the instructor.


Contact Information

Registrar's Office

靠谱买球app推荐中心 114
电子邮件 the Registrar's Office

319-296-1609 (fax)

Regular Hours — Fall 2024

July 29 – December 20, 2024
星期一至星期五 上午8时至下午4时30分

If campus is closed, the Registrar's Office is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.
